Integrations and Automations
Tailored or Turnkey Solutions for Increased Productivity
At CyRISBio, we offer custom or turnkey automation solutions, even for the simplest projects. With over 20 years of experience, we easily integrate peripherals such as pipetting systems and barcode printers. Our software and over 300 plug-ins ensure seamless automation across all your equipment.

Robotic Platform Design
Tailored Solutions for the Most Demanding Automation Projects
CyRISBio provides custom robotic platforms for complex automation projects, integrating advanced equipment such as incubators and thermocyclers. Thanks to our expertise in supervision and the development of specific plug-ins, we ensure precise and efficient automation that meets the highest standards.
Design and Programming of Robotic Instruments
Complete and Customized Robotic Solutions
With years of experience in instrumentation, CyRISBio and its partners offer the complete design of custom instruments, including mechanics, electronics, fluidics, and software, tailored to your specific applications. Our team works closely with you to create instruments suited to your unique needs, ensuring optimal performance and smooth integration into your existing processes.